SureFeed Pet Feeder

Taken from Reddit:

Hey all. If you've had one of these feeders and wanted to try out custom settings you've likely learned that you have to either scour the internet or contact customer service, the latter of which can be hit or miss. After about 6 months of trying to get them to respond to me, I finally have the button combinations they gave me for two custom modes for the non-connect version of the SureFeed microchip feeder, detailed below for anyone else who will need or want it in the future:

Intruder mode:

  • Please put the Slide Switch into position II (Slide Switch setting II).
  • Press the Fn/Training and the ‘Add Pet’ buttons together until the red LED illuminates (approx. 10 seconds)
  • Press the Fn/Training button repeatedly until the LED shows orange (not flashing).*
  • The lights will cycle Static Red -->Static Green-->Static Orange.
  • Once the LED shows orange, press the Open / Close button to select Intruder Custom Mode.

If you go past Green keep pressing Fn to cycle through all the Custom Modes until the correct Custom Mode is reached again.

Forced Lid Closed mode

  • Please put the Slide Switch into position III (Slide Switch setting III).
  • Press the Fn/ Training and the ‘Add Pet’ buttons together until the red LED illuminates (approx. 10 seconds)
  • Press the Fn/ Training button repeatedly until the LED shows Green (not flashing).*
  • As you press the button the lights will cycle Static Red -->Static Green
  • Once the LED shows Green, press the Open / Close button to select Forced Lid Closed - Custom Mode.

If you go past Green keep pressing Fn to cycle through all the Custom Modes until the correct Custom Mode is reached again.

For both modes...

  • If you do not complete the steps above the unit will time out and return to normal operation after 60 seconds.
  • If you want the lid to close as fast as possible after your cat has eaten, please put the slider switch back to 1.

Forced Lid Closed mode is supposed to be more responsive I think, but I haven't personally noticed a difference between the two. Best of luck to other microchip feeder owners, here's hoping we get some viable alternatives from other companies in the future.